Sports Physicals May 19 and May 21, 2025


A sports physical is required for participation in the 2025-26 school sports season at both GMS and GHS. For your convenience, we offer sports physicals every May. These physicals will be valid for the entire 2025-26 school sports season at both GMS and GHS. 

Dates: Mon., May 19 & Wed., May 21, 2025

Time: 5:30–7:30 p.m. (No appointments are necessary – walk-ins welcome.)

Location: Grandville Middle School Athletic Entrance at 4900 Canal (enter at Canal & Jacob Streets.)

Who can attend?  Any incoming 7th-12th grade Grandville Public School student for the 2025-26 school year.

Remember to bring:

  • $25 (cash or check only – checks payable to Dr. Diana Dillman). Credit cards not accepted.
  • MHSAA-approved physical form (2 pages) - Filling this out ahead of time will help speed up the process.  (Forms are also available onsite at the event or in the GHS and GMS main offices.)

Submit your completed form:

  • Middle school students for the 2025-26 school year (7th-8th grade): Submit to the GMS office.
  • High school students for the 2025-26 school year (9th-12th grade): Submit to the GHS office.

Alternative option: If you prefer, your child can get their physical from your family physician. Be sure to take the correct MHSAA-approved physical form (linked above). Per MHSAA rules, only physicals dated April 15, 2025, or later will be valid for the 2025-26 school sports season. 

