Drop-Off Lane Reminders
- Only drop your student off on the right curb (not in the staff parking lot or the left lane). We don’t want any students to have to cross in front of traffic. If you don’t want to wait in line, please drop your student off as soon as you enter the drop-off lane. It is okay for your son or daughter to walk up the sidewalk to the building.
- You can also bypass the line by dropping your child off on the other end of the drop-off lane. This is the end of the lane closest to the turf field on the west side of the building.
- Use your blinker. The best way to inform the drivers around you that you are about to pull up to the curb or pull away from the curb is to use your blinker. Signaling what you are planning is a great way to reduce any confusion for other drivers and to hopefully prevent the need for people to communicate with their horn or with hand gestures. We always want to model what positive adult behavior looks like for our students. Thanks for your help with this process.